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Sexual Myths – how foreign beliefs block our libido

8. March 2023 | Sexual myths

There are many myths about sex and sexuality that are unfortunately often false and very misleading, leading to misconceptions about the functioning of our bodies, minds, and sexuality. These myths, or false beliefs, can lead to problems such as erectile dysfunction because dogmatic beliefs hinder us from living our sexuality as we truly want.

The man – always ready

For example, the myth that “men should always be ready” or “men should always be dominant” can lead to pressure on men to fulfill these expectations, which can lead to anxiety, stress, and erectile problems. These expectations can also make it difficult for men to openly discuss their sexual needs and desires, which can, in turn, lead to problems in relationships.

Sex – always and everywhere, completely free and spontaneous

Another myth is that sex should always be spontaneous and effortless. This expectation does not correspond to reality, as people’s daily lives are often different from the storytelling of pornography.

The man MUST always make the first move

This is a widespread myth that can pressure many men to make the first move. In reality, both partners should have the right to make the first move when they feel ready.

Men are constantly thinking about sex

This is another myth that can lead to misconceptions about men. In reality, men do not constantly think about sex and have other interests and responsibilities.

There are many myths about sex and sexuality that are often false and can lead to misconceptions about the functioning of the body and sexuality. These myths can lead to problems such as erectile dysfunction because they can create false expectations.

Orgasms should always be easy to achieve

Many people believe that orgasms should always be easy to achieve. In reality, it can be difficult to achieve an orgasm, and it is important to take time and communicate to figure out what works.

Women always have less desire for sex than men

This is a widespread myth that can make many women feel guilty or abnormal if they do not have a high libido. In reality, men and women can have equally different libidos.

It is important to understand that sexual myths and false expectations can lead to erectile problems. By letting go of these myths and developing a more realistic and positive attitude toward sexuality, we can improve our sexual health.

e.rupt can help with this. Our discreet and anonymous therapy application offers specifically developed therapy modules developed by experienced therapists and urologists based on the latest scientific knowledge. The modules can help identify and treat the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction and help you enjoy a fulfilling sex life.

Let’s work together to solve your sexual problems and enable you to enjoy a fulfilling sex life free from false expectations and myths. Try e.rupt and let our customized therapy modules help you successfully treat your erectile problems.